Monday 17 September 2012

The Life Of Christopher Marlowe

The ten key events in Christopher Marlowe's life are:

  1. His baptism- 26th February 1564. This is reflection of his religion, which was considered very important at the time.
  2. 1584- At the age of 20, he was awarded a scholarship at Cambridge and gained a BA. This could have been reflected in the prologue of 'Dr Faustus' "The fruitful plot of scholarism grac'd,
    That shortly he was grac'd with doctor's name."
  3. 1587- Saw Christopher change from medicine to literary work, where he moved to the Royal Court Circle. He spent time here gaining inspiration from Sir Walter Raleigh and Lord Admiral's Company of Players. He also wrote 'Tamburlaine the Great' in this year.
  4. 1588- 'Dr Faustus' was written.
  5. 1589- His writing was well underway with the publishing of the 'Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta'. During this year, Marlowe was accused and charged with murder, though he was later declared not guilty.
  6. 1590- 'Edward the Second' written, as well as his most famous work 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love', which was said to be follwed up by a poem by Sir Raleigh, titled 'The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd'
  7. 1592- 'Hero and Leander' written
  8. Early 1593-'Massacre at Paris' was acted on stage.
  9. Early May 1953- Thomas Kyd arrested due to implying Marlowe was an Atheist and heretic. Warrant for Marlowe's arrest after being accused of heresy.
  10. Late May 1953- Marlowe was said to have passed away on the 30th May, reportedly after arguing with friends he was stabbed in the eye which caused his death.

1 comment:

  1. Point 9 is particularly important! He lived a dangerous life and wrote dangerous plays!
    Good research with understanding of connection to text. Well done.
